Gorgeous: Book Two (The Goregous Duet 2) Read online

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  Except for these two phone calls it has only been just the two of us.

  We both know that this time together is indulgent and selfish, but we both need it after our time apart and while we plan our future. Knowing my future is with this beautiful creature has made all the anxiety of life drift away. I know a lot of it has to do with the fact that we are hiding away from the world and responsibility, but it's also knowing for certain she is a part of my life. She isn't going anywhere.

  We've been watching each other’s favorite movies and binge-watching TV shows in between our constant love-making. We can't get enough of each other, and the movies and TV shows are needed so we give our bodies a break. I've got to take care of my girl, and I don't want to wear her out, so food, TV, and walks on the beach must be a part of our daily routine.

  Two days into our voluntary sequester, we ordered a TV to mount on the living room wall because it was getting too hard to binge watch our favorite series on our laptops. The day after our impulse buy, the sun was shining just right on the powered-off television. I could see the reflection of our bodies as she moved up and down on my cock. I couldn't take my eyes off her and when she noticed me watching us make love on the black screen, she giggled, but quickly turned serious, making it a point to put on a show for me. Much to my surprise, she seemed just as turned on as I was with watching us move together.

  Best. Impulse. Buy. Ever.

  Hands down.

  Now, here we sit, both working on our laptops. She's working on Luna Enterprises and getting our canceled events rescheduled, while I review the EVC document I had HR email to me.

  I would never have thought to check my contract with my own family’s company, but after Olivia's concerns from yesterday, I thought I would play it safe and investigate.

  We had been taking one of our morning walks on the beach when she asked what my father would do when he found out we were together considering he now knows about her childhood and how strongly he felt about the two of us together. She was concerned if London did release the info, it would hurt the company and my standing within it.

  I told her the truth. I really don't care as long as I have her. There is no business or dollar amount that matters more than her. But to say the thought wasn't in the back of my mind would be a lie, so I emailed Rose, our HR Director, and asked her to email me a copy of my contract.

  And there it is in black and white.

  Clause 32C.

  Apparently, if I engage in any business while on or off the clock that could disparage the company or its board, this includes having known associates that could also bring undo negative press to the company, this would be grounds for termination. I would imagine, Olivia's father murdered by a gangster, her mother being pimped out and a drug addict, and Olivia having to change her name and live in foster care or homeless shelters as a teenager, might just qualify.

  I need to get things in place for Gloria and the team and prepare for my departure from EVC sooner, rather than later. It was only a matter of time, but this has propelled me to move ahead with my plans as fast as possible. No need for my girl to have any guilt or despair over what implications her past may have on my career at EVC. She doesn't deserve any more pain, and I'll do whatever it takes to protect her.

  I close the contract on my screen and click open the file containing all the information Baxter has uncovered about Richard Brown. We're close, but we just can't find the man himself. His men aren't so good at hiding, but Brown is apparently a master at it. Since Susan's death, he hasn't been seen. I study his picture and burn it into my brain. It's an old DMV photo, and since the hospice center didn't have any security cameras, I'm not sure what he looks like today, but I've stared at the photo for so long I know I'll recognize him no matter how old he is or how hard life has treated him.

  I will take the bastard down, if it's the last thing I do.



  "I can't believe we had to leave Eclipse. That was one of the hardest things I've ever done." I know I'm pouting, but I could be happy living in his little apartment above the gallery for the rest of my days. It's serene and calm...and it does just happen to be where our moon resides.

  "Really, that was one of the hardest things you've ever done? The things you've been through and leaving my tiny one bedroom apartment was hard for you. I find that hard to believe."

  I look over at the ridiculously handsome man in the passenger seat, and he has the most adorable smile on his face. The head tilt that comes with his smile, makes me swoon. I'm starting to regret my stubbornness that wouldn't let him drive back. My name is on the rental agreement, and I am responsible for the car, but I sure do wish I was in the passenger seat so I could look at him for more than a moment at a time.

  "Babe, your one bedroom apartment is all this girl needs. I love Franklin Street. It's a beautiful home, and you know how I love the kitchen patio."

  "I do."

  "Well, if you made me choose...I would choose to spend my days with you at Eclipse. Hands down. I don't need a big fancy house, Ronan. I just need you...and our moon."

  I don't dare look over at him. My own words have caused me to choke up, and I don't want to cry.

  He takes my hand in his and lifts it to his lips. His kiss to the back of my hand only adds to the emotion welling up inside me.

  "Olivia, we aren't leaving our moon behind. It's always with us. No matter where we are."

  "I know, but there is something about Eclipse that is special."

  "I agree."

  All I can do is sigh as I switch lanes and lead us off the freeway and to the St. Francis.

  "I know you don't want to go back to the hotel, but we need to keep you out of sight. Until we find Dickey, we can't leave anything to chance."

  The harsh reality the view of the San Francisco skyline brings is a depressing hit to the gut. It means I'm back. Back to looking over my shoulder. Back to living my life with bodyguards. Back to hiding my relationship with Ronan.

  "And we have to go to the hotel?"

  "We do, gorgeous. I've already talked to Baxter, and he and Bellinger agree this is the best plan. That motorcycle you were worried about has done a few drive-bys of your building, and we can't take the chance. They got the plates, but they were off a stolen motorcycle. They're working on it, and it won't be long. If we go to the hotel, we can go in via the underground garage and take the elevator right up to the penthouse. We can sneak back into the city without anyone being the wiser. It won't be forever but, baby, I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe."

  "But the penthouse? Really?"

  "The penthouse is always reserved for me here through EVC, so we don't have to check in or out, and there won't be any credit card charges to trace. I'll go back to work tomorrow, and I'll have Baxter park your rental in the garage at work, and I'll drive it back here. It’s perfect because they won’t be looking for your rental, and I can come and go without being noticed. Besides, the penthouse feels more like a home than just a hotel room. At least we'll have the creature comforts of home with the kitchen and living room. It's got a nice, big TV too." I can see him wagging his brows at me without even looking at him. He thinks he's pretty funny.

  I smack his arm. "You are so bad."

  He feigns innocence but I know better. "I have no idea what you're talking about. We have to finish binge watching Vikings so we're all caught up when the new season starts."

  "Uh, huh. Sure."

  His mention of binge watching Vikings, reminds me of the rainy day we started watching the first season. It was an unusually rainy yet warm day in Laguna, and a few episodes in we both had a craving for our favorite little ice cream shop down the road. We waited for the rain to stop, and we dashed out to get our cones. As always, his was peppermint and mine cookies and cream.

  Silently, we were eating our cones, walking hand in hand back to Eclipse when the skies opened up and all the tears from Heaven came raining down on us. In an instant, we were soake
d, and our cones had been turned into streaks of sticky sugar dripping down our hands and eventually our arms. We couldn't stop the laughter as we ran down the street like drowned rats. We found a trash can on the corner and dumped what was left of our soggy sweets.

  With the ruined treats disposed of, we slowed our stride and leisurely walked the last couple of blocks without a care in the world. It was raining but still warm out, and we were already soaked, so why rush? Looking over at the man I had been lucky enough to find my way back to, I could see his wet shirt stuck to his chiseled torso, and I had absolutely no rush to get back to the apartment. When my eyes finished their not so subtle objectifying of Ronan's body, I found him with a wicked smile on his face.

  "I like what I see too, gorgeous." He stopped us in the middle of the sidewalk and used his thumb to pull my bottom lip from my teeth.

  It was obvious seeing one another with our clothes stuck to our bodies was turning us both on, because in the same instant, we crashed our mouths together. Both of us equally forceful and passionate, so much so our teeth clanked in our frenzy and our tongues danced together with the taste of our sweet, sugary desserts mixed with the warm salty rain only fueling our desire.

  We were standing on a public street and when another couple had to step into the street to pass, we couldn’t have cared less.

  This is what happens when we're together. The rest of the world melts away and it's just the two of us. Even if it's the middle of a rainy day out where the world can see us, the pull between us is too powerful to resist.

  I could feel his hand slowly trailing over my rib cage and to my breast where he took hold with a possessive growl, and on instinct my leg went around his hips, and he used my thigh to pull me tighter to his body.

  "Baby, I have to get you home,” he said. “As much as I would love to take you right here in the rain, I want to get you home and out of these clothes even more."

  "If you must," I sighed, lowering my leg.

  I couldn’t help it; I ravaged his mouth one more time. When I came up for air and finally pulled my lips from his, the love and sincerity in his eyes took me by surprise. The moment was full of heat and compassion, but so much more for both of us. I think we both still found it hard to believe we were together again.

  "I fucking love you, Olivia. You are the air in my lungs, the blood in my veins, and the beat of my heart. You know that right?"

  His words...his words filled every hole in my heart and in my soul. He touched the pieces of me no one has ever even come close to. My tears blended with the raindrops covering my cheeks and as hot as this moment was, it felt somewhat life-altering. He’d confessed his love many times over the prior few days, but standing there, letting the rain wash away our past pains and the loneliness of the last month, I felt my life coming together all over again. The sobs of relief that came with the joy of being in this man’s arms and life overcame me.

  I buried my head in his chest, and he held me. After a minute or two, my sobs faded, and I finally found my voice. "Take me home, Ronan."

  And that was just what he did. He took us back to the apartment where he peeled my sopping clothes and his from our bodies while the shower warmed up. He wrapped my legs around his waist and carried me into the shower where he gently pressed my back to the cold tiles while he peppered me with smoldering hot kisses down my neck, across my sternum and to my breasts. He made the sweetest love to me and then caressed me with the utmost care while he silently washed my hair and bathed me from head to toe. Worshiping me as he so often did.

  He took his time with me, and I let him control the pace, but neither of us could take our eyes off one another. It was an afternoon of love, passion, serenity, and gratefulness for both of us.

  We were connected.

  We were one.

  That same love, passion, and connectedness haven't gone anywhere, but we are no longer in our bubble, and as I pull into the underground garage of the St. Francis, the harsh reality of our lives hits me like a freight train. No more rain soaked kisses in Laguna Beach, no more love making under the blankets in between episodes of our favorite TV shows. The moment I park this car and we enter the penthouse of this hotel, everything will change.

  While playing house at the St. Francis is fun, and I have to admit I am getting a lot of work done for Luna Enterprises, I am still itching to get out of this hotel room.

  When I said I wanted to go for a run, Ronan had a treadmill brought to our suite. When I said I was craving my favorite Italian food, he had it delivered. And when I said I wanted go see Callie for a cup of coffee this morning...he said no. I wasn't really surprised, but it still set me off, and I've been in a foul mood ever since. I know it's not his fault, and he's only trying to protect me, but after a life of taking care of myself, I'm finding my prickly mood increasing with every refusal I get when it comes to leaving this suite.

  On top of it all, he also got me a new phone that can't be traced. It's really strange to think my life has me in the position to have a “burner phone.” I thought those only existed in the movies. I've talked to Callie every day since we've been back, and I finally got to hear all about her date with Bellinger. It turns out there have actually been a few dates between the two of them, and things are moving at a pretty steady pace for them. I've needed to hear her gush about her love life to take my mind off the fact that I’m feeling like a caged animal.

  Needless to say, after five days being locked in this beautiful penthouse, that still feels like a prison, I am tired of being locked up and I want my freedom back. I have no intention of letting Dickey control me my entire life.

  The sound of the key card sliding into the door stirs me from my negative musings and endless staring at my laptop. He's home and I need to take control.

  "Honey, I'm home!"

  He loves to say this every night when he comes home from the office. He may have a body of sculpted muscle and the beauty of a Greek god, but he is also a big dork. But he's my dork, and I wouldn't want him any other way.

  He rounds the corner and greets me at the table with a kiss to the top of my head. "Whatcha workin' on, gorgeous?"

  "I just sent the final signed contracts to the gallery in New York, and the Smith showing is all set for next month. We are back on track, Mr. McKinley."

  "Nice work, baby."

  "Thanks," I say distracted. Although, I am happy all the canceled dates are rescheduled and we have a calendar full of events, I am more interested in the conversation I need to have with Ronan. He just walked in the door, though. I'll wait until after dinner.

  We make small talk, and I fix an easy meal of pasta and veggies. Halfway through dinner, Ronan takes a long drink of his wine and lets out a heavy sigh. "Gorgeous, London came by the office today."

  My blood turns cold, and I lose my appetite in an instant.

  "And what did she want?"

  "Well, she has a dinner in town tomorrow night and both of our families will be there. It's a dinner celebrating women in film, and she is getting some kind of award. She asked me to escort her to the event."

  "She asked you? She didn't insist you had to go?" I thought she had been demanding his presence. I didn't know he had a choice.

  "At first she asked and when I refused, she started in with her threats again."

  "Of course, she did."

  "Listen, the last thing I want to do is spend time with London and my family. But, I am more than willing to endure a night of torture if it keeps London quiet and keeps you safe. But I don't want to go if you are going to be uncomfortable with the world seeing me with her, yet again. It will look like we are a couple if there are pictures taken, and there will be pictures taken. I don't want to hurt you any more than I already have. I leave the decision in your hands. Whatever you want, I'll do."

  I know what the jealous woman inside of me wants to say, and that is Hell, no! But the intelligent woman inside me, knows there is more to this than London hanging off Ronan in some pictures.

nbsp; "The thought of her hands, or any woman's hands on you for that matter, makes me sick to my stomach, but I am not really sure what else we can do. She may be threatening me but what she is really doing is threatening you and your company. I know we don't care so much about your immediate family at the moment, but there are thousands of employees in EVC's offices around the world to think of as well. As much as I hate to say it, I think you have to go."

  A simple nod of his head is his only reply.

  Reaching out, I take his hand. "I know you don't want to see your family, and I am so sorry you're forced to spend time with them because of me. I hope you know how much I appreciate what you're doing."

  "Come here." He pulls on my hand so I leave my chair and take my place in his lap. "Gorgeous, when are you going to realize I'd do anything for you?" His kiss is sweet on my lips. "Nothing will ever be as hard as letting you go. Nothing."

  "I love you, Ronan, but are you sure about tomorrow night?"

  "I love you too, baby, and yes, I am sure."

  My mood is officially shot and as much as I truly do love him, I don't feel like sitting on his lap, and I'm not up for his adorable head tilt. I grab our plates and head to the kitchen, effectively ending our conversation. He goes quiet, and I focus on the kitchen and clean up. When I glance at the table a couple minutes later, he's gone. I'm sure he's just changing out of his suit and settling in for the evening, but I can't help but miss his usual kiss on the cheek I get each night when he comes up behind me and wraps me in his arms when I'm in the kitchen.

  Sighing heavily, I fold up the kitchen towel and place it on the counter before forcing myself to go in search of the man who will have an A-list actress hanging off his arm and letting the world think they are a couple in less than twenty-hours.

  Dragging my feet, I slowly leave the kitchen and turn out the light. Rounding the corner into the living space, I stutter a step when the lights go out and upbeat music starts playing and lights start flashing around the room courtesy of the open laptop on the table. It's as if my entrance flipped a switch, and we're suddenly transported to our very own night club. A night club with a very sexy Ronan standing in the middle of the dance floor with his tie off and the top buttons of his shirt unbuttoned.